Curso de engobes con Ana Felipe - Lumbre y Barro - Madrid

Pottery Making Illustrated, marzo/abril, 2013

by Infocerámica

Portada de la revista Pottery Making Illustrated


En este número encontraremos, entre otros, trucos para trabajar con planchas, formas de dar textura a las piezas, cristalizaciones a baja temperatura y un artículo sobre cómo hacer nuestros propios pinceles.


The Cup and Saucer: A Renaissance of Form, by Lyla Goldstein

The Slab Forms of Lisa Pedolsky, by Jonathan Kaplan

Making Brushes, by David L. Gamble

Mitered Box, by Daryl E. Baird

In the Mix: Low-Fire Crystals, by Deanna Ranlett

Tools of the Trade: What’s your Angle?, by Bill Jones

Supply Room: Cracking the QR Code, by Jake Allee

Tips from the Pros: Lisa Pedolsky’s Surfaces, by Peter Jonathan Kaplan

Instructors File: Ty Johnson’s Bird Feeders, by Annie Chrietzberg

Off the Shelf: From a Slab of Clay: Sumi von Dassow

Pottery Illustrated: Pitcher Profiles, Illustrated by Robin Ouellette

On the Cover, Lisa Pedolsky


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[contenttab]Pottery Making Illustrated
600 N. Cleveland Ave., Suite 210
Westerville, OH 43082
Estados Unidos

Tel. (614) 895 4213[/contenttab]
[contenttab]Estados Unidos (One year, 6 issues) $24.95
Resto del mundo (Un año, 6 ejemplares) $40.00




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