Ceramic Review

by Infocerámica

Ceramic Review, 246, November/December 2010

Source or Sauce
Kate Malone’s new work at Robilant + Voena, London Kate Malone

Graduate Building Confidence
Alice Walton discovers a world of opportunity after graduation Alice Walton

Graduate Ceramics at Art School 2010
Ceramic Review’s annual survey of UK graduates
Graduate Balancing Act
Rebecca May reveals how flexible working has enabled her to pursue a dream Rebecca May

Graduate A Leap of Faith
Georgia Shearman feels ready to take her work to the next level Georgia Shearman

Potter Making it Happen
Sarah James tells how Hanne Rysgaard has found a route to success Sarah James

International Porcelain Provocations
J Lynn Fraser previews Shary Boyle’s exhibition ‘Flesh and Blood’ J. Lynn Fraser

Commission Hanoi Mosaic Mural
Paul Scott’s signature blue and white pattern returns to Southeast Asia Paul Scott

Galleries Ten years on the Puls(e)
Derek Jones meets Annette Sloth at her ceramics gallery in Brussels Derek Jones

Research Is Mindfulness Apparent in the Aesthetic?
Sue Gorman explores repetitive making Sue Gorman

Clay Clay Memory
Jaroslav Hrustalenko finds a way of controlling clay memory Jaroslav Hrustalenko

Kilns Saggar Firing
Peter Cosentino investigates saggars in electric kilns Peter Cosentino

A Potter’s Day A Potter’s Day
A day in the life of Irish potter Adam Frew Adam Frew

Off Centre Off-Centre
Josh Redman discusses the importance of creative criticism Josh Redman

Potter Between Beauty and Utility
Ian Wilson sits down to a Japanese meal with Adrienne Baba Ian Wilson

Potter Medical Heirlooms
Tamsin van Essen examines attitudes to disease and health


Ceramic Review
63 Great Russell Street,
WC1B 3BF Reino Unido

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9am – 5.30pm

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