Ceramic Review, 262, julio/agosto 2013

by Infocerámica

Portada de la revista Ceramic Review


El número de verano de la revista publicada por la “Craft Potters Association” de Reino Unido tiene es esta ocasión un interés especial por el uso del torno como herramienta incombustible en la cerámica. A pesar de la deriva hacia la escultura que se ve en las últimas décadas, el torno tiene en si mismo la esencia de la filosofía de trabajo y el concepto cerámico. Así lo cuenta la directora, Bonnie Kemske, en su editorial; y así se puede apreciar en los artículos dedicados a Richard Phethean, Tanya Gomez, Ben Richardson, John Higgins, Richard y Lucy HeeleyGareth Mason.



Shifting Dimensions
Richard Phethean gives life to a new set of forms, explains Andy Horn

Rhetoric of Colour
Kimberley Chandler observes a sublime influence on the works of Tanya Gomez

Yvette Breytenbach lays the emphasis on context with Ben Richardson‘s wheel-thrown ceramics

Singing Aloud
John Higgins has discovered the performer in himself, writes Deborah de Beer

Pots and Recipes
Richard Heeley, and his wife Lucy Heeley, feel that making pots fits hand-in-glove with fine dining

The Risk of Ornament
Ian Wilson sees a powerfull tribute to the decorative in Jo Taylor‘s sculptural forms

Ascending Spiral
Gareth Mason leans towards the lyrical in his narrative of throwing

Making Sequence, by Gareth Mason

Decorating, by Richard Phethean

Composite Throwing, by Virginia Scotchie

Makers’ Notes. Notes from Features
Tanya Gomez and Richard Heeley

Clay Particles – Part. 1, by Oelof Heckroodt


A Potter’s Day
Adam Sutherland makes a case for the artist’s potter


Off Centre
Andrew Dawood draws a parallel between dentistry and ceramics


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[contenttab]Ceramic Review
63 Great Russell Street,
WC1B 3BF Reino Unido

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9am – 5.30pm

Tel. 44 (0) 20 7183 5583
Fax 44 (0) 20 3137 0924

[contenttab]Reino Unido £36.00
Resto del mundo £42.00




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